Category Archives: Essential Oils

DIY Peppermint Orange All-Purpose Spray

My favorite way to celebrate the change of the seasons is with amazing smelling cleaning products! I like flower scents, such as lavender, for spring, citrus in the summer, cinnamon in the fall, and peppermint in the winter! This all purpose spray has the base recipe I use for all my all purpose cleaners year round. All I do once the season changes is swap out which essential oils I use!


The combination of the peppermint and orange just smells like the holidays to me! I love having my home smell like candy canes all december long! This is a super quick and easy recipe that cleans well, disinfects, and is so much cheaper than buying holiday scented cleaning sprays from the store. I usually can get 1-2 months of use out of the ingredients I initially buy for it.

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10 Easy Ways To Get Healthier This Year (HINT: It doesn’t involve unicorn tears or placenta!)

10 easy ways to get healthier this year| Ten at the Table

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My Goals for 2015

Tomorrow will be the start of another year and if you’re like me you probably have a list of things you’d like to accomplish in 2015. I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish next year with the hopes of being able to cross them all off one by one.

goals for 2015

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Using Essential Oils

Lately, my family has been trying out essential oils. Rather than administering pills to each child for different things before bed, or taking pain pills when some of our back problems feel like being mean to us, we use a few drops of essential oils. I honestly didn’t expect them to work, but they do! My mother, who has major back problems, is able to run errands with no pain pills. She’s been using nothing but essential oils for about a month now. Her favorite is peppermint. She applies a few drops to her back in the morning, and then some more whenever she feels it wearing off.

My personal favorite is the Balance blend. I am a very scatter brained person. My though processes are all over the place, and it is literally impossible for me to have a conversation with someone and stay on topic the whole time. I just apply a drop of Balance to the back of my neck and I am able to focus on whatever task I need to complete.


The other plus of essential oils is they work FAST! Within a minute you will be able to feel the effects. There are endless ways to improve your life with essential oils. Allergies, pain, anxiety, eczema, itches, aromatherapy, mood improvements, digestion, air freshener, laundry detergent, homemade cleaners, wound treatment, respiratory/cough relief, and much much more!

My word that is a mouthful.

And I didn’t even finish.

Using essential oils has really changed our lives for the better.

To get your own visit here.

~Maria Alison