When you’re a mom, you witness the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good being the fact that your little ones are the cutest darn things ever, and there is no way you could possibly love them any more than you already do. The bad being the inevitable tantrums, insanely large messes left behind by your munchkins, and teaching them things like right from wrong, and respect which they will not always like you for. And then there’s just the straight up ugly. Which is the reality that you will be doing A LOT by yourself.
The cooking, the cleaning, grocery shopping, watching the kids, attempting to master the balance between keeping your little ones in line while staying somewhat likable, and attempting to look like a perfectly happy and sane mama while doing it all?
I have pretty much said screw you to the last one. We are all going to eventually have to break down and cry in the closet so the kids don’t see and assume somebody died. Keep a secret chocolate and wine stash in the closet just for these times. Trust me. You’re welcome.
Don’t get me wrong! Being a mama is literally the best and most beautiful thing that could happen to a person! But all the stress that comes with it??? It really sucks.
So here are 10 of the ways I try to cut a little bit of that stress out, and make being a mom easier!
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