Category Archives: Household Tips

DIY Peppermint Orange All-Purpose Spray

My favorite way to celebrate the change of the seasons is with amazing smelling cleaning products! I like flower scents, such as lavender, for spring, citrus in the summer, cinnamon in the fall, and peppermint in the winter! This all purpose spray has the base recipe I use for all my all purpose cleaners year round. All I do once the season changes is swap out which essential oils I use!


The combination of the peppermint and orange just smells like the holidays to me! I love having my home smell like candy canes all december long! This is a super quick and easy recipe that cleans well, disinfects, and is so much cheaper than buying holiday scented cleaning sprays from the store. I usually can get 1-2 months of use out of the ingredients I initially buy for it.

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17 Products Getting Me Through 2017



17 products getting me through 2017| Ten at the Table|

For me it is very easy to get overwhelmed. My anxiety is worse some days than others and I just need a little extra help making the day seem do-able. Especially since I had my baby girl, my brain has been a little off its game and things that were simple before are a little more difficult. Being sleep deprived about a third of the time and absolutely worn out from the things I do daily as a working mom make day to day life a little harder than it used to be!

I have a lot I plan to do with my family this year like moving with my fiance and daughter from South Carolina to Louisiana, finishing my cookbook, buying a fixer upper house and redoing it to look beautiful, and doing a lot more fishing with the fiance. So a few simple things I picked up off of amazon are really going to help me though this year.

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10 Money-Saving Cleaning Tips

As every homemaker knows, maintaining a clean house takes time, effort and money. While there’s no getting around the fact that it takes work to keep up with your home, there are ways to cut costs. Saving money in your cleaning routine is all about knowing where to trim costs — and how. To help you save a little green in your cleaning budget, here are 10 key money-saving cleaning tips.

Cleantools Money Saving Cleaning Tips

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A Hectic Life

I would love to pretend I was some organized, neat, person who is good with the whole time management thing and colors in the lines more times than not. I would also like to pretend that I have a very clean house and a schedule in place with chunks of “free” time here and there.

I would love to.

But I can’t.

Not even for one second.

I am typically very busy, so when I have down time I. Enjoy. Every. Second. Of. It.

There is no exact schedule for me. I have tried to maintain one before, and it just doesn’t work for me. They just never work out.Plus, I don’t like the feeling of being restricted by a piece of paper. I guess I’m just a rebel like that.

I just sort of make mental notes of any major things going on that day and plan for them. like if we need bread for lunch, then I need to start bread by 9:30. Or, if we need to go shopping that day, I need to prep some snack at a free moment, so we don’t get arrested for starving a bunch of kids in a house stocked with food who know how to cook just fine.

Oh, but scratch those plans because the baby (who isn’t really a baby anymore, he’s almost 3, so I guess we should stop calling him the baby) just decided to take a red sharpie to the couch, chest freezer, and front door while you were cleaning out the fridge and making a grocery list.


It’s an amazing life isn’t it????

That was half way sarcastic in case you didn’t know.

Oh, but that’s not all!!!

Grampa’s called saying he was coming over to deliver some corn, and he’d be there in an hour.


Well I had no clue how to get sharpie out of the couch, so I asked people on twitter, Facebook, and texted everyone I knew. Some people said eraser would get it off the door, and suggested different essential oils. Unfortunately, our door and freezer now have some “character”. As for the couch, vinegar and a little elbow grease got that sucker right out.

Needless to say we didn’t eat sandwiches for lunch that day. We ate leftovers.




And we didn’t enjoy it, in case you hadn’t guessed.

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