Roses are multi-colored,
Violets are made into soap,
Infinity of pins on pinterest are sweet,
And I love you!
I don’t know…maybe I shouldn’t quit my day job and become a poet. Either way, I love you guys, and wanted to wish you a very happy Valentines Day. Also, I have been spending waaay to much time on pinterest. I just get sucked in, and only ever snap out of it because eventually I am starving from looking at pictures of food all day. Haha!
10 Things I Love About February
1. The freaking super bowl! I am not a huge football fan. What I am a fan of is all the food that we get to eat on game days. I make a huge batch of everything and pop it in the freezer to reheated right before the game. YAY! No stressful cooking for me! My favorite recipe by far is cheesy jalapeno poppers.
2. Snow! We usually get snow (like 1/2 centimeter) ….but not this year. 🙁
3. It’s still beignet weather! That’s always a reason to get happy. 😉
4. Valentines Day! An awesome chance to show everyone in your life how much you love and appreciate them.
5. Pinterest! Sooooo much awesome stuff on Pinterest this month. I have tried so many different recipes, and attempted to do some fancy nail art (*ahem* fail *ahem*)
6. I am putting together my seed order! I always get my seeds from SeedsNOW! because they are the only brand that has germinated for me everytime, and the plants grow to be strong. They are all organic, and non-GMO.
7. Chif-fil-A has free coffee all this month! I am, like, completely addicted to coffee, and may or may not have gone down to Chick-fil-A every morning this month…(no shame!).
8. Sticking to my new years resolutions! So far the only thing I have accomplished for sure is not wasting as much time. I thought this one would take the most time. I guess that made me more determined, and here I am getting all of my “to-do” list done everyday.
9. My brothers birthday! My little brother turned 13 this month, and we celebrated with a Chinese buffet, the new hobbit movie, and cake. It was a really fun day!
10. A HUGE yard sale! Once a year (in February) there is a gigantic yard sale. We have to wake up super early to get a good spot in line. Yes. A mile long line to get into this thing. There is always lots of good stuff to get in the initial sale. Then later (around one-ish) you can come back for the $5 bag sale. Which means whatever you can stuff in your gigantic black trash bag will only cost you $5 dollars. I love that yard sale.