Hey there.
You’re beautiful.
And I love you.
More than I probably should.
I mean that.
Oh, and your outfit looks especially nice today.
Even if you’re not trying to look nice.
It really does.
Lets do this thing.
10 Things I Love About January
1) I get to enjoy the holiday weather without the stress of the holidays. Where I live (in the south) the real winter starts in January. So December is a cross between summer, fall, and winter, but January is where the (1/2 in. of) snow is.
2) It’s National Soup Month! And believe me, I go all out. Soup = Love. Here are a few of my favorites:
Hearty Italian Chicken and Autumn Veggie Soup
Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup
3) Lot’s of awesome stuff is on sale! And have you seen the clearance aisle’s? Now is a great time to grab any Christmas stuff for next year (ya know, because it’s 75% off). I picked up 200 ornament hooks from Target for 30 cents. 30 CENTS!!!
4) Its still cold enough for beignets! And that’s always a reason to love a month.
5) Planning my garden! As far as gardening goes, there are no chores yet! Woo-hoo! Only dreaming and planning. I plan to grow a lot more potatoes, and basil (for pesto!), as well as expand my garden to have more raised beds.
6) Dorito Popcorn! I realize this has nothing to do with January, but I have made it almost every day this month, so its an official reason why I love January.
7) This month I learned I could make my own biscoff! Yes hon, a post is on the way. Yes hon, I know you need it too. You don’t have to ask more than once.
8) I always have this sense of hope and determination after listing my goals for the year.
9) We are enjoying the foods and herbs we preserved from last summer! We canned lots of pear halves, pear sauce, and cherries, and we froze pear bread, blackberries, and okra.
Life has been yummy my friends.
Life has been yummy.
10) I started writing an e-book! That’s all I’m saying on that subject for now, but I know you’ll love it and will keep ya posted. 😉
Why do you love January?
I do believe that January is my favorite month.
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