Category Archives: Snacks

Cheesy Jalapeno Poppers

Words of the wise.

Wear gloves.

Aaaaaand don’t touch your eyes.

Please just trust me on this.

The first time I made this…hehe…was a nightmare. I didn’t know how to handle hot peppers so I just went for it like it was a bell pepper. Big mistake. My finger tips burned for days. I washed my hands. With soap. The burn remained. Also, if I licked my fingers, I could still taste the spiciness of the jalapeno on them. Guys, it hurt. Please wear gloves.

If my fingertips couldn’t handle it…how do you think my eyes would have felt?

I am not looking forward to figuring out.


Cheesy Jalapeno Poppers| Ten at the Table|

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Easy Hot Artichoke Dip

It literally takes 60 seconds to get this dip in the oven. Having little kids in the house, I can’t be tied up for long. So this dip is reeeeeally perfect.

It also insures a serving of veggies getting into these hobbits. Not that they know, of course. I just tell’em it’s “Monster Dip” and let them think they’re eating monsters.

Hot Artichoke Dip| Ten at the Table|


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Homemade Pimento Cheese

I never knew how much I like pimento cheese until I tried my Grandmama’s recipe. Every time we go to her house for a visit, she has a bowl of pimento cheese and a platter of vegetables and crackers. Just the way her grandchildren like it. And it might suprise you how much we eat, but once you try this recipe yourself, you’ll understand why.

pimento cheese 3

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Easy Soaked Chocolate Chip Muffins

On mornings when we wake up late or are going to be very busy, I generally opt for muffins. They take 30 minutes start to finish, a lot less dishes than pancakes, and are a great grab and go meal.The last couple of weeks, when the two three year old gets hungry between meals due to a growth spurt, I would just hand him a muffin. Then I started to question if that was the healthiest decision. I mean, we all know wheat is not the healthiest of grains out there. And if were being honest, we mainly use it as a filler.

I wanted to make the muffins we ate a little healthier, since we love them so much. Most of what I found was just telling me to substitute in whole wheat flour for white, add nuts and seeds, and use a less processed sweetener. I already knew all of those to be options. What I found that was new, was to soak it.

At first, I was all like, eww…soggy muffins?…GROSS! But it turns out that all you do differently is move part of the process ahead some. Sounds easy, right? It is!

Easy Soaked Chocolate Chip Muffins
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