Category Archives: Snacks

Easy Peanut Butter Balls {VIDEO}

Peanut butter balls

If your kiddo’s are anything like my girl, then they love helping out in the kitchen any way that they can. Even though most of the time, her helping me is a little unpractical and sometimes mostly gets in my way, I still like to include her any way that I can.

Most if the time the recipes we end up making are boxed brownies or a boxed cake (for simplicity sake). Cake after cake, and brownie after brownie however is a little too much sugar for an already hyperactive 3 year old to be consuming just to get some mommy time.

One of her favorite homemade goodies that is way better for you than cake is peanut butter balls. Its just a few ingredients, easy to make, and most importantly to me, its easy to clean up. LOL Read More →

Homemade Nachos




These homemade nachos just might become your new best friend but be sure to share them with the ones you love! These homemade nachos just might become your new best friend but be sure to share them with the ones you love! It was one of those hot summer days when you consider moving to Canada. I know it gets hot in Canada as my northern friends tell me but this is a level of hot that can only be achieved in the deep south. I mean cook an egg on the sidewalk hot. I thought I was going to melt away anytime I had to go outside. Forget getting the mail, it can sit in the mailbox all day until the sun goes down. And trying to accomplish anything with your hair is just an exercise in futility.

Making dinner in the summer can be a dilemma. I try to serve as many salads over the course of the summer that I can get away with before the crew starts to mutiny.  But I  don’t want to heat up the house by using the oven or cooking over the stove for a long time. Read More →

Homemade Nacho Cheese

Homemade Nacho Cheese

The other day the kids were asking for nachos, not just chips and salsa, for their snack. I try to make a little bit more elaborate snacks during the weekends since I have a little more time to work with.

It was one of those lazy Saturdays where everyone got up late and we were eating breakfast at 11 am.  We don’t often get to sleep in like that so it totally throws off our usual schedule. Since breakfast was so late,  I decided to have a heavier snack than usual.

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Spicy Tuna Rangoon

It was my little sister’s birthday and we were having a full on Chinese food night with stir fry, egg rolls, shrimp fried rice, dumplings, and crab rangoon on the menu. As always, when there is a wide variety of cooked dishes to be made at the same time, the kitchen quickly got very hot, and I got very frustrated.

I could only wrangle one little helper into the kitchen that night, and I had him making the egg rolls. While he was working I made the fried rice, and stir fry. Then I noticed the wonton wrappers sitting on the counter….


The rangoons.

The part everybody was looking forward to the most.

It’s a good thing it doesn’t take that long, I thought. I started getting out the ingredients and I went to the fridge to grab the crab last….


Oh no.

No crab……

I frantically looked through the kitchen for anything I could use to substitute from the crab. For a while I was seriously thinking about using Spam. Luckily I noticed a few cans of Bumble Bee® Prime Fillet® Albacore Tuna with Jalapeños & Olive Oil. My helper was about halfway done with frying the egg rolls, so I grabbed the tuna and started working.

Spicy Tuna Rangoon| Ten at the Table|

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Garlic Parmesan Baked Potato Wedges

A few days ago, I need fries. I needed fries badly. I went through the list of fast food restaurants in my head trying to think about who had the best french fry. None of them seemed like they would satisfy my craving. What I really wanted was the baked potato wedges my mother made us as kids on burger night. I went to the kitchen, and did an interesting spin on my mothers baked potato wedges. Although, they really were perfect the way she made them.

I can still see the multi-colored plastic plates we ate on, and the hologram Hannah Montana cups, leftover from my little sister birthday party.

At the time my mother had 7 children (now 8), and she needed cheap, healthy recipes that were kid friendly. Baked potato wedges fit the bill exactly.

Another thing that was important to a mother of so many very young children, was that it needed to turn out every time. Perfectly.

Imagine dinner getting screwed up at the last minute and you have 7 hungry hobbits to feed…..

Garlic Parmesan Baked Potato Wedges| Ten at the Table|


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