Category Archives: Herbs

Balsamic Mushroom Pasta

Balsamic Mushroom Salad|Ten at the Table

Every year on Mother’s Day, I have the worst gift. It all started back in second grade…..DUN DUN DUN! I glued jolly ranchers to construction paper in the shape of a heart.Which she couldn’t eat because it was so covered in glue… So it just sat there… taped to the wall… collecting dust. Until eventually……..I stole all of the jolly ranchers. One by one.

Meanwhile, my sister (the kind with the neat handwriting that colors in the lines) gave her a stack of handmade coupons promising hour long foot massages. Really sis?!?!?! You gotta out do me by that much???

Then in third grade, I painted a terracotta pot for her to plant flowers in. It was a mess! I am not the most artistic girl around and crafts aren’t really my thing. I don’t remember her face when I handed it to her because I made sure not to look.

Ah yes. Then there was fourth grade. My class made knee pots for the mothers and mine was the most misshapen disaster that was ever placed on this earth. Seriously. Think of the ugliest possible clay pot made by a fourth grader you’ve ever seen. No, really. Take a minute to think about this.

It was 10 times worse than that.

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10 Tips For Growing Basil {Like A Boss}

I love basil. It makes my summer worth the sweat. It makes your food come alive.

I would eat pesto on fresh pasta  every day if I could. But ya know, you need variety and things like that. Still 50% of our lunches end up being this because it tastes so dang good. The other 50% ends up being super yummy salads, or campfire food over the fire pit in the backyard.

As you can imagine we end up going through quite a bit of basil during the summer. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but fresh basil from the grocery store can be kinda pricey. Somehow it also goes bad before I get around to using it. Either I forget about it, or it gets lost in the back of the fridge never to be found.

This is why we grow our own. And a lot of it. It’s cheap to grow, and you really don’t have to do much for it. Just water and weed as necessary.

10 Tips For Growing Basil Like A Boss| Ten at the Table|

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