Category Archives: Fast

Spicy Tuna Rangoon

It was my little sister’s birthday and we were having a full on Chinese food night with stir fry, egg rolls, shrimp fried rice, dumplings, and crab rangoon on the menu. As always, when there is a wide variety of cooked dishes to be made at the same time, the kitchen quickly got very hot, and I got very frustrated.

I could only wrangle one little helper into the kitchen that night, and I had him making the egg rolls. While he was working I made the fried rice, and stir fry. Then I noticed the wonton wrappers sitting on the counter….


The rangoons.

The part everybody was looking forward to the most.

It’s a good thing it doesn’t take that long, I thought. I started getting out the ingredients and I went to the fridge to grab the crab last….


Oh no.

No crab……

I frantically looked through the kitchen for anything I could use to substitute from the crab. For a while I was seriously thinking about using Spam. Luckily I noticed a few cans of Bumble Bee® Prime Fillet® Albacore Tuna with Jalapeños & Olive Oil. My helper was about halfway done with frying the egg rolls, so I grabbed the tuna and started working.

Spicy Tuna Rangoon| Ten at the Table|

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Cheesy Jalapeno Poppers

Words of the wise.

Wear gloves.

Aaaaaand don’t touch your eyes.

Please just trust me on this.

The first time I made this…hehe…was a nightmare. I didn’t know how to handle hot peppers so I just went for it like it was a bell pepper. Big mistake. My finger tips burned for days. I washed my hands. With soap. The burn remained. Also, if I licked my fingers, I could still taste the spiciness of the jalapeno on them. Guys, it hurt. Please wear gloves.

If my fingertips couldn’t handle it…how do you think my eyes would have felt?

I am not looking forward to figuring out.


Cheesy Jalapeno Poppers| Ten at the Table|

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Easy Garlic Bread

I am a big fan of easy, tasty, and quick foods. And lately, I have only been cooking things that take 20 minutes or less.

Why? Oh, I don’t know. I guess I am just getting lazy! 😉

My favorite of these 20 minute or less meals has got to be (drum roll please………) spaghetti and garlic bread!

Easy Garlic Bread| Ten at the table|

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Easy Hot Artichoke Dip

It literally takes 60 seconds to get this dip in the oven. Having little kids in the house, I can’t be tied up for long. So this dip is reeeeeally perfect.

It also insures a serving of veggies getting into these hobbits. Not that they know, of course. I just tell’em it’s “Monster Dip” and let them think they’re eating monsters.

Hot Artichoke Dip| Ten at the Table|


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