Easy Garlic Bread

I am a big fan of easy, tasty, and quick foods. And lately, I have only been cooking things that take 20 minutes or less.

Why? Oh, I don’t know. I guess I am just getting lazy! 😉

My favorite of these 20 minute or less meals has got to be (drum roll please………) spaghetti and garlic bread!

Easy Garlic Bread| Ten at the table| http://tenatthetable.com

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Easy Hot Artichoke Dip

It literally takes 60 seconds to get this dip in the oven. Having little kids in the house, I can’t be tied up for long. So this dip is reeeeeally perfect.

It also insures a serving of veggies getting into these hobbits. Not that they know, of course. I just tell’em it’s “Monster Dip” and let them think they’re eating monsters.

Hot Artichoke Dip| Ten at the Table| http://tenatthetable.com


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10 Tips For Growing Basil {Like A Boss}

I love basil. It makes my summer worth the sweat. It makes your food come alive.

I would eat pesto on fresh pasta  every day if I could. But ya know, you need variety and things like that. Still 50% of our lunches end up being this because it tastes so dang good. The other 50% ends up being super yummy salads, or campfire food over the fire pit in the backyard.

As you can imagine we end up going through quite a bit of basil during the summer. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but fresh basil from the grocery store can be kinda pricey. Somehow it also goes bad before I get around to using it. Either I forget about it, or it gets lost in the back of the fridge never to be found.

This is why we grow our own. And a lot of it. It’s cheap to grow, and you really don’t have to do much for it. Just water and weed as necessary.

10 Tips For Growing Basil Like A Boss| Ten at the Table| http://tenatthetable.com

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When Toddlers Become Too Much

Props to all the moms who have survived a three year old!

Terrible twos? Pssht! Two was a walk in the park compared to three!  Three = the teenager of the toddler years.

First, they are smarter. They have learned a lot by two, but just enough to get them in trouble. At four they have better reasoning skills but at three”Mom look at this” is the toddler equivalent to “Dude hold my beer”.

Second, they have become the masters of manipulation.  At two they are just figuring this out but at three they have figured the best way to maximize that tantrum in the middle of Target.

And for us the biggest hit has been that even though you may have had little man sleeping trough the night since he was six months old he now knows how to effectively break out and pull up Netflix in the middle of the night.

When toddlers become too much | Ten at teh Table | http://tenatthetable.com

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10 Things I Love About February

Roses are multi-colored, 

Violets are made into soap, 

Infinity of pins on pinterest are sweet, 

And I love you!

I don’t know…maybe I shouldn’t quit my day job and become a poet.  Either way, I love you guys, and wanted to wish you a very happy Valentines Day. Also, I have been spending waaay to much time on pinterest. I just get sucked in, and only ever snap out of it because eventually I am starving from looking at pictures of food all day. Haha!

10 Things I Love About February| Ten at the Table| http://tenatthetable.com Read More →